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Malabal tor survey

If you’re not sure how Antiquities work, then check our Antiquities Guide, which will explain the process to you.ģ Oakensoul Ring Leads Locations. In order to get any mythical item you have to unlock Scrying and Excavation, you do that by leveling Antiquities Guide. The Oakensoul Ring is an item that while equipped, provides a significant number of buffs to the wearer, at the cost of not being able to weapon swap.

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You also need to have the Excavation and Scrying skill lines at least rank 7 in order to scry and dig for master-level leads. In order to start the process of obtaining the Oakensoul Ring, you will need to have access to the Greymoor DLC, either by owning it or by having an active ESO Plus subscription. The Oakensoul Ring is specifically designed to buff one-bar builds, giving lots of minor and major buffs to the wearer but also preventing them from swapping bars. When you have found them all, the ring will automatically construct itself in the highest quality. To obtain the Oakensoul Ring, you will need to find five leads.

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Here is The ESO Oakensoul Ring leads locations guide, for the Mythic item that is obtainable for players who own the High Isle expansion.

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